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Travel around the world through 10 countrys to reach a secret place.
The lightet countrytarget of the starttable the ball gets lost, you start your trip around the world.
To get to the next country, it may take some minutes with repeated more or less hard and boring gameplay.
The ball can get lost up to 60 times in a country!? The fun though is rather limited with partly moderate layouts, scrolling vertical and horizontal!
CD cover Pinball World
valued features
year of release/ producer 1997 by 21st Century
CD-titel: Pinball World
%/% screen
yes, most are scrolling horizontal and vertical!; 100/100. 1
2D/3D 2D 4
configuration few (easy - hard) 1
# of balls 3 (will be lost, when a country or a bonus table couldn`t be completed)  
multiball ? yes
restart   0
physics The ball is difficult to control and ball movement is pretty slow with too little power (in DosBox you can speed up a little bit by pressing F12) 18
graphics Some are quite nice with objects/graphics of the country 6
difficulty it is difficult to accomplish the task to get ready for a jump to the next country.
It may take several minutes with boring and repeating gameplay.
Bonus tables seem not to be explained what has to be done or what task has to be completed and is in addition time limited => task not accomplished = ball lost and you end up again in your last country!
fun nice idea to jump to different tables (countrys) but the fun is limited 7
layout / gameplay not too much to do 4
specials in Germany you can "pong" the wall . There are said to be 9 more bonus-tables! 4
tilt/nudging only upwards 1
comments it just takes too long until the jump to the next country is open. Loosing the ball in the starting table takes you to the country that target you hit last.  
purchase sometimes in auctions sometimes
(max of 111)
reached score 49
  personel highscore