pinball simulations by tablename

pinsims reviewed

choose by clicking

Java-Script has to be activated or look in left menu -pinsim on CD- and go for "reviews of CD`s"

The name of the pinsim usually matches the title of the CD only as long as there is just one pinsim on it or the CD is named for the selected pinball.
To search for CDs by their titles, go for CD-titles.
not yet played and reviewed

It`s useless to click here. There are no reviews yet existing! You may look for other pinballs I can call my own. I hope more and more of them will be in the upper list in the future.
The titles with ?**? are pinsims I don´t have.

If You have one of these pinsims and don´t need it anymore, i´d appreciate an offer for buying it.

