screenshots and reviews of real pinball tables

As VPinMame uses the real roms so you have everything you know from playing the real machines in a bar or penny arcade including possible video games in the display. Graphics and layout are copied from the original.
About 100 tables without rom in VP recreation can be playaed as well in VPM. Scoring seems clearly better/higher in VP8+9. My high scores in VPM are spread 8=264 (from appr. 485 tables), 9=184 (from appr.340 tables), 10=147 (from appr.499 tables).
Until now about 35 exist only in VP8, 10 in VP, and 41 in VP10 and hopefully getting more.
I could be wrong but VP10 seems to run out quicker!

The reviews were done regarding the following aspects:
# of balls: I used to play with 3 balls. 5 balls may kill a single good one completely and often the game gets needlessly long and boring.
graphics: Apart from the scripting you will want to have a table that looks interesting or even as you would expect a real machine to look. This can cost you a lot of work and time to put colors and images on the right places! So the tables vary very much. With every new version new options will get possible.
lost: Some tables will kill your ball in seconds=6. As well as bad is a ball that just won´t get lost.
fun: Most important. Is it fun playing the table. Even tables with a bad "lost" rating may be fun (with a rare good ball) playing.
game: Do you have a chance with a good ball to hit the jackpot and other features of the table? Are there tasks to play for and/or timers used.
table layout: A pinsim looses his attractivness when there are only few targets and spinners to hit. The same applies to repeated hit targets that always count the same. Are there many targets, spinners, holes, ramps or other time limited features to play for? The more the better.

A #1 is good wheras #6 is a bad mark. As reviews depend on the person who makes them, these reviews and ratings are therefore subjectiv. Nowadays I surely would rate several pinsims different.

Of course my personal highscore mustn`t be missing and at last a summary if there is something to say about the table.
Conversions with same layout but different look/graphics and name (and perhaps different counting..) I don`t play and so no screenshots are displayed.

To watch screenshots and the review of these VPM tables I use jalbum with the very flexible

tiger skin for VPinMame recreations

The earlier skin Fotoplayer was marvelous but was running only with flash playaer so I changed.

  • to open a folder (Balls of Glory PB) click onto the pic or at top on foldername
  • to open a pic (Biolab) click onto the folder-pic
  • on folder level one up on left side by ← Balls of Glory (above pics) or FX2 logo at top
  • to change to next folder at the bottom ← or → or one folder up (see point above) and clicking into folder-pic
  • you are searching a pinball and know the name? => at right top!
  • A) these are the thumbs of this folder. Click on the arrows / on the right+left to move several pics forward/backward or just by scolling (anywhere)!
    Only 1 by 1 goes for clicking left or right side within the present large picture C).
  • B) directly underneath is the control bar to change the look
    • < / > to move back or forward
    • ↑ to move up a folder
    • full screen on/off
    • thumbs on/off
    • info panel/review on/off
    • diashow on/off/ "=pause. No speed changing possible.
    • outside of C) to move up a folder
    • name and a little review for the present pinsim at D)
