Pinball Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
PinMame is an emulator that enables the original rules, lights, counter and videogames of real pinball machines (packed in the rom-sets/files) to work hand in hand with Visual Pinball. Wheras VP is responsible for the ballphysics and the appearance of the playfield. This means realisations of original pinball machines, you might have played yesterday in an amusement arcade. Meanwhile there exist about 613 (end of 2022) different tables rolling under VPinMame. About 71 only exist in VP8, about 23 only in VP9 and about 74 only in VPX.
If you still work on an old PC I recommend systems from 2.0 MHz on or better (nowadays no problem) and with at least latest models of average graphic cards (2019). Even actual low budget systems should have no problems. But versions VP9 and VPX should be played with some more graphicpower to have the possible brilliance of the tables.
For running VpinMame you need some extra files that should be kept up to date at "Getting Started".
These are:
These should each be put usually unzipped in new folders (VPM, recreations/originals or as you like. With VPX/VP you only see the tables playable (.vpt=VP9, .vpx = VPX). When installing VPinMame is installed in a seperate folder in VP.
Just unzip the tables (best in an extra folder; number of files ca.2,5 times the number of tables!) and start playing by usually #5 for credit and #1 for starting the game. Esc (or instantly F3) restarts the game. F1 and F2 show information on the keys used and to change. Problems with VP and VPinMame are very rare, the with FAQ`s, Help and Bug Forum will usually help solve the problem.
Sometimes tables that you want to play for the first time won´t start properly (display doesn´t show, insert coins isn`t working). Usually the key F3=restart or Esc+start helped me, sometimes some extra file might be missing (backglass or different rom!) or wasn`t properly installed.
VpinMame conversions work with the regular roms. Early conversions start with tables that came up about 1973. There is no difference in playing VP original conversions of this age that use no roms.
It becomes different with the machines that run with digital displays showing pictures and especially videogames in the display. The roms enable VPinMame to do just that on your monitor in the display of the pinsim (and in its size; press F5 to enlarge the display!). If starting a table you might get a sreen saying the rom is missing completely. Well, download the asked rom and start again. When only some parts are missing click on "don`t care...." and test if there are problems while playing. In this case the problems with the roms mostly refer to music etc and don`t affect the playing itself.