- links | |
The "father" of Visual pinball, Randy Davis VP-homepage. Not updated anymore. | |
The VP site for information / forum and downloads of VP 8 / 9 /10, originals, recreations and VPM and for cabinets. FP tables can be found too. You have to be registred. | |
Downloadsite for VP10 tables, roms, backglasses and stuff. You have to be registred. | |
Pinball Nirvana with table downloads and news. You have to be registred. | |
IR Pinball with downloads Pb recreations, mainly older ones of the 50-70`s. | |
A frontend PinballX for your pinball tables. | |
Tutorial on how to change preferences on VP. V PinBeast in german. |
Some roms, manuals or flyers on tecnopinballX in spanish. |
PataTrox homepage: screenshots and his tables with roms (VP9 early 2000). | |
Scapinos graphically superb tables of VP, VPinMame and FP until about 2009. | |
VP stuff | VP Launcher, a list of table ratings and some other stuff on VP and tables. Don`t know if up to date. | PacDude`s VPinMame tables around 60 for VP (8) 9. Not updated since 2007. |
How the VPLauncher works. | |
A frontend from 2009 to organize your tables. VPman still working with VP10? | |
Download of about 250 old VP8 tables (not updated since 2002!) | |
If you want to know anything of a real pinballmachine, roms and pictures and more! |