some (download-) links for VP / VPinMame and FP

- links
The "father" of Visual pinball, Randy Davis VP-homepage. Not updated anymore.
The VP site for information / forum and downloads of VP 8 / 9 /10, originals, recreations and VPM and for cabinets. FP tables can be found too. You have to be registred.
Downloadsite for VP10 tables, roms, backglasses and stuff. You have to be registred.
Pinball Nirvana with table downloads and news. You have to be registred.
IR Pinball with downloads Pb recreations, mainly older ones of the 50-70`s.
A frontend PinballX for your pinball tables.

Tutorial on how to change preferences on VP. V PinBeast in german.

Some roms, manuals or flyers on tecnopinballX in spanish.
PataTrox homepage: screenshots and his tables with roms (VP9 early 2000).
Scapinos graphically superb tables of VP, VPinMame and FP until about 2009.
VP stuff VP Launcher, a list of table ratings and some other stuff on VP and tables. Don`t know if up to date.
PacDude`s VPinMame tables around 60 for VP (8) 9. Not updated since 2007.
How the VPLauncher works.
A frontend from 2009 to organize your tables. VPman still working with VP10?
Download of about 250 old VP8 tables (not updated since 2002!)
If you want to know anything of a real pinballmachine, roms and pictures and more!

- links
The official site from the "father" of Future Pinball Christopher Leathley! Not updated sincs 2008?
A pity it was closed in 2022. It was the site for FP. Thanks for having provided PinSim DB all the years.
downloads and information / forum for FP (and of course VP/VPM. You have to be registred.
Pinball Nirvana download section for FP (and VP). You have to be registred.
IRPinball download page for Future Pinball older table recreations released until the end of 2018 (and Visual Pinball until end 2019)
Martin Bunkers tutoriial (german) for Future Pinball.
